I always feel like I should write the congregation of Court Street an apology after Sunday morning services. From Zachary playing with hot wheels on the floor, to Mallory announcing to the entire church that she has to potty...we aren't really very reverend when we are in attendance. At least our friends in the back of the church love us anyway. However, just when I have started thinking all is lost, my precious Zachary says something that gives me a little glimmer of hope...
This morning, we were sitting on my bed looking at some very old pictures of some of our wedding events. Most of them were from our announcement party. It was hard for Zachary to understand where he was because there were pictures of all these people he knew.. Rara was there, Mrs. Ashtyn's mommy, Big, Susu, Jamie, Mama and Daddy...MeMe, Mrs. Julie...so. he keeps asking where am I? And I said, Mommy didn't have you yet...And he said "This was before God sent me to you?" And I said yes. And he said "He must have known you needed me!" Love that kid....Here are some pics from Sunday just cause they looked so stinkin cute.
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