A strange mix of emotions....

Well, I have to say that this weekend has been a rather strange mix of emotions for me. Losing Rocky was really hard, then, it just seemed as though the bad news kept on coming. However, there is always a silver lining...that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

Zachary, went to Kindergarten round up. It was so much fun. He loved it, and now can not wait to start school at Oak Grove Primary. I must say, being a teacher, it takes alot to impress me. Being a mom, it takes even more, but I absolutely loved it. At the 1st station, the sweet teacher said, "Can you tell me your name?" And he said "Yes. My name is Zachary David Metz and I have the same name as Big." They gave him a speech and hearing test, and during the language test the speech path told Zachary that he was very smart! He told her that it was because he goes to a very good school. I guess so much for all the reading we do at home. When we left, he told me that Kindergarten was very easy. So, I guess he is not scared anymore.

Then, that night, we had our brown belt awards ceremony. For those of you who need Tae Kwon Do, 101, the rank of belts in his class goes like this: White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Brown, Red, Black. I think it is different for different forms of martial arts and even in different centers.
Anyway, that is not what is important...what is important is that he got his BROWN belt and only has two more to go until he is a black belt. Now, don't get too excited. He can't break boards with his head or anything like that, but he is rather good if I do say so myself. He also, loves it. We may slow down our progression for the summer months since we will be spending some time traveling and ALOT of time at the pool, ...but until then, he just keeps moving right on up the ranks!!! Way to go Zachary!

By the way, did you hear about that preacher in Kansas City MO who challenged his congregation not to complain for 21 days? He says that is how long it takes to break a habit. I think I have heard it was 27 days, but anyway...I think I am going to try his challenge. You can read about it (if you care) if you go to fox news and then click on fox and friends. Alisyn Camerota (who I love!) has a greenroom blog and she wrote about it. Maybe we should all try... I think the world would be a much nicer place without the noise of endless complaining!!! I mean, you never hear Team Weathers complaining! Why should any of us?

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