Take me out to the ballgame...

Well, it is Tball time again. Last year, Tball was a disaster, and our sweet coaches Chris Logan and Drew Mattison, said that this year would be better...they were right! This year is so much better. This year, we have moved leagues and play in the Oak Grove Optimist Park League. Our team, the Braves, has "Little Andrew" Zachary's best buddy from school, Patrick, his buddy from Karate, and Jacob his all time best buddy. His head coach is Andrew's daddy which is so fun, and Todd and JD are assistant coaches for the team. Needless to say, he has a great time and loves it! Now, if I can just get Mallory to watch the game and not throw a tantrum because she wants to be on the field as well, we will be doing great! Play Ball!!!!

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