Is the summer really over?

im afraid that summer has come to an end. As I type there are 1 million things I should be doing to get myself and the kiddos ready for back to school. Maybe this is my form of denial. I just cant seem to face the fact that I have a baby in Kindergarten. So, I will just come up with everything under the sun to do OTHER than what I should be doing, and maybe tomorrow will never come and it can be the last day of summer forever....or, maybe not.

Here are some pics from our fabulous last week of summer. MiMi and PaPa rented us a HUGE house in Gulf Shores and we stayed for seven days. It was really fun, and we all had a blast. What a way to kick off the school year. Any suggestions on how I get them to get it for us again next year??? You would think that the fact that I gave birth to their precious grandchildren would be enough....right mimi and papa?????

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