Churches take you, tattoos and all.

So for the second week the kids and I went to Temple Baptist to visit, and to hopefully find a new church home. I have been really looking for somewhere that offered my kids everything they needed in a church, and that they would have FUN learning about God. We have really enjoyed Temple and plan to keep going.

Anyway, Zach talked me into this huge tiger tattoo at hubfest. It was only 75 cents, so I was like..."why not???" well, we get up the next morning, we are getting ready for church, and Zach put on a short sleeve shirt. Since we are all running around frantic in the mornings...i just scream up the steps: "NO Zach!!! Put on a long sleeve shirt! You've got that tiger tattoo!!!" And so he says: "so what?!?!" and I say: "We are going to have to cover that up!" And he walks to the top of the stairs, and in a voice so serious he says: "People with tattoos arent allowed in church?" And I said: "Well of course they are, but not 6 year olds," because now I am in serious mommy mode cause I can tell by the second what time we need to leave to be on time.... and then he says to me....very seriously. "mama, churches will take you, tattoos and all! You really dont have to worry about anything but getting there."

Out of the mouths of babes...huh????? Precious boy!!!!!!! So needless to say, everyone at Temple saw the tiger tattoo and for once I didn't worry about it!!!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Amen and Amen!!! The faith of a's how God wants us to all act! So precious and I am so thankful you guys are visiting Temple. I do PRAY everyone made you and tatoo boy feel welcome!
